git ls-remote main
exporting to client directory
resolve image config for
git ls-remote master
exporting to client directory
[delivery] check_suite dd62a640-9685-11ed-888c-cbf66bbb5d4b
16:42:16.139 info hook called; waiting on runs {"thunk": "<thunk LN9NE22SOSTRA: (<thunk IFC549S4URGLQ: (.git)>/bass/github-hook)>"}
16:42:40.964 warn runs failed {"thunk": "<thunk LN9NE22SOSTRA: (<thunk IFC549S4URGLQ: (.git)>/bass/github-hook)>", "error": "2 errors occurred:\n\t* check nix: <thunk DV8PHI5JT32G6: (.sh)> failed: rpc error: code = Unknown desc = build failed: exit code: 1\n\t* check build-windows: <thunk K59LGJ1K3BMN6: (.ls)> failed: rpc error: code = Unknown desc = build failed: exit code: 1\n\n"}
2 errors occurred:
* check nix: <thunk DV8PHI5JT32G6: (.sh)> failed: rpc error: code = Unknown desc = build failed: exit code: 1
* check build-windows: <thunk K59LGJ1K3BMN6: (.ls)> failed: rpc error: code = Unknown desc = build failed: exit code: 1
Tip: if this error is too cryptic, please open an issue:
2 errors occurred: * check nix: <thunk DV8PHI5JT32G6: (.sh)> failed: rpc error: code = Unknown desc = build failed: exit code: 1 * check build-windows: <thunk K59LGJ1K3BMN6: (.ls)> failed: rpc error: code = Unknown desc = build failed: exit code: 1