git ls-remote main
git ls-remote main
git ls-remote main
git log -n1 --pretty=format:%H -- ./nix/ ./flake.nix ./flake.lock ./default.nix
git log -n1 --pretty=format:%H -- ./nix/ ./flake.nix ./flake.lock ./default.nix
git remote get-url origin
git checkout 153e4579452e3eb3195a7aae7f397da1ab618fe9
Note: switching to '153e4579452e3eb3195a7aae7f397da1ab618fe9'.
You are in 'detached HEAD' state. You can look around, make experimental
changes and commit them, and you can discard any commits you make in this
state without impacting any branches by switching back to a branch.
If you want to create a new branch to retain commits you create, you may
do so (now or later) by using -c with the switch command. Example:
git switch -c <new-branch-name>
Or undo this operation with:
git switch -
Turn off this advice by setting config variable advice.detachedHead to false
HEAD is now at 153e457 fix converting proto to thunk addr
git fetch origin 153e4579452e3eb3195a7aae7f397da1ab618fe9
* branch 153e4579452e3eb3195a7aae7f397da1ab618fe9 -> FETCH_HEAD
git submodule update --init --recursive
Submodule 'lsp/testdata/bundle/nvim-lspconfig' ( registered for path 'pkg/lsp/testdata/bundle/nvim-lspconfig'
Cloning into '/bass/work/pkg/lsp/testdata/bundle/nvim-lspconfig'...
Submodule path 'pkg/lsp/testdata/bundle/nvim-lspconfig': checked out '7d5a6dc46dd2ebaeb74b573922f289ae33089fe7'
git log -n1 --pretty=format:%H -- ./pkg/runtimes/ship/ ./Makefile ./go.mod ./go.sum
[delivery] check_suite 4431d460-16c8-11ed-92b5-5f6bce6d435a
error! call trace (oldest first):
┆ <thunk JA7ECTDQF8B52: (.git)>/bass/github-hook:24:2..25:50
23 │ (defn main []
24 │ (for [event *stdin*]
25 │ (github:check-hook event git:checkout checks)))
┆ <fs>/streams.bass:44:2..46:62
43 │ (defop for [bindings & body] scope
44 │ (let [sources (map-pairs (fn [_ src] src) bindings)
45 │ args (map-pairs (fn [arg _] arg) bindings)]
46 │ (eval [each [across & sources] [fn [args] & body]] scope)))
┆ (1 internal call elided)
┆ <fs>/streams.bass:46:4..46:61
46 │ (eval [each [across & sources] [fn [args] & body]] scope)))
┆ <fs>/streams.bass:22:2..27:26
21 │ (defn each [source f]
22 │ (let [n (next source :end)]
23 │ (if (= n :end)
24 │ null
25 │ (do
26 │ (f n)
27 │ (each source f)))))
┆ (1 internal call elided)
┆ <fs>/streams.bass:23:4..27:25
22 │ (let [n (next source :end)]
23 │ (if (= n :end)
24 │ null
25 │ (do
26 │ (f n)
27 │ (each source f)))))
┆ <fs>/streams.bass:25:6..27:24
24 │ null
25 │ (do
26 │ (f n)
27 │ (each source f)))))
┆ <fs>/streams.bass:26:8..26:13
26 │ (f n)
┆ <thunk JA7ECTDQF8B52: (.git)>/bass/github-hook:25:4..25:49
25 │ (github:check-hook event git:checkout checks)))
┆ <thunk U6DAVTDG02QT2: (.git)>/bass/github.bass:8:4..8:79
8 │ (eval [check-hook-fn event (:*loop* scope stub-client) clone checks] scope))
┆ <thunk U6DAVTDG02QT2: (.git)>/bass/github.bass:11:4..57:66
10 │ (defn check-hook-fn [{:event event :payload payload} client clone checks]
11 │ (case event
12 │ "check_suite"
13 │ (case payload
14 │ {:action "requested"
15 │ :repository {:clone_url clone-url}
16 │ :check_suite {:head_sha sha}}
17 │ (start-checks client sha (checks (clone clone-url sha)))
18 │
19 │ {:action "rerequested"
20 │ :repository {:clone_url clone-url}
21 │ :check_suite {:head_sha sha}}
22 │ (start-checks client sha (checks (clone clone-url sha)))
23 │
24 │ _
25 │ (log "ignoring action" :event event :action payload:action))
26 │
27 │ "check_run"
28 │ (case payload
29 │ {:action "rerequested"
30 │ :repository {:clone_url clone-url}
31 │ :check_run {:name name
32 │ :head_sha sha}}
33 │ (let [selector (string->symbol name)
34 │ src (clone clone-url sha)
35 │ thunk (selector (checks src))]
36 │ (client:start-check thunk name sha))
37 │
38 │ _
39 │ (log "ignoring action" :event event :action payload:action))
40 │
41 │ "pull_request"
42 │ (case payload
43 │ {:action "opened"
44 │ :pull_request {:head {:sha sha
45 │ :repo {:clone_url clone-url}}}}
46 │ (start-checks client sha (checks (clone clone-url sha)))
47 │
48 │ {:action "reopened"
49 │ :pull_request {:head {:sha sha
50 │ :repo {:clone_url clone-url}}}}
51 │ (start-checks client sha (checks (clone clone-url sha)))
52 │
53 │ _
54 │ (log "ignoring action" :event event :action payload:action))
55 │
56 │ _
57 │ (log "ignoring event" :event event :payload (keys payload))))
┆ (6 internal calls elided)
┆ <thunk U6DAVTDG02QT2: (.git)>/bass/github.bass:13:6..25:68
12 │ "check_suite"
13 │ (case payload
14 │ {:action "requested"
15 │ :repository {:clone_url clone-url}
16 │ :check_suite {:head_sha sha}}
17 │ (start-checks client sha (checks (clone clone-url sha)))
18 │
19 │ {:action "rerequested"
20 │ :repository {:clone_url clone-url}
21 │ :check_suite {:head_sha sha}}
22 │ (start-checks client sha (checks (clone clone-url sha)))
23 │
24 │ _
25 │ (log "ignoring action" :event event :action payload:action))
┆ (6 internal calls elided)
┆ <thunk U6DAVTDG02QT2: (.git)>/bass/github.bass:17:8..17:64
17 │ (start-checks client sha (checks (clone clone-url sha)))
┆ <thunk U6DAVTDG02QT2: (.git)>/bass/github.bass:17:33..17:63
17 │ (start-checks client sha (checks (clone clone-url sha)))
┆ <thunk JA7ECTDQF8B52: (.git)>/bass/github-hook:14:2..20:30
13 │ (defn checks [src]
14 │ {:build-linux (util:ls (bass:build src "dev" "linux" "amd64"))
15 │ :build-darwin (util:ls (bass:build src "dev" "darwin" "amd64")
16 │ (bass:build src "dev" "darwin" "arm64"))
17 │ :build-windows (util:ls (bass:build src "dev" "windows" "amd64"))
18 │ :docs (util:ls (bass:docs src))
19 │ :test (bass:tests src ["./..."])
20 │ :nix (bass:nix-checks src)})
┆ <thunk JA7ECTDQF8B52: (.git)>/bass/github-hook:15:17..16:61
14 │ {:build-linux (util:ls (bass:build src "dev" "linux" "amd64"))
15 │ :build-darwin (util:ls (bass:build src "dev" "darwin" "amd64")
16 │ (bass:build src "dev" "darwin" "arm64"))
┆ <thunk JA7ECTDQF8B52: (.git)>/bass/github-hook:15:26..15:65
15 │ :build-darwin (util:ls (bass:build src "dev" "darwin" "amd64")
┆ <thunk JA7ECTDQF8B52: (.git)>/bass/bass.bass:67:4..67:52
67 │ (archive src (dist src version os arch) os arch))
┆ <thunk JA7ECTDQF8B52: (.git)>/bass/bass.bass:67:17..67:43
67 │ (archive src (dist src version os arch) os arch))
┆ <thunk JA7ECTDQF8B52: (.git)>/bass/bass.bass:54:4..63:14
53 │ (defn dist [src version os arch]
54 │ (subpath
55 │ (with-deps-and-shims
56 │ ($ make
57 │ (str "VERSION=" version)
58 │ (str "GOOS=" os)
59 │ (str "GOARCH=" arch)
60 │ "DESTDIR=./dist/"
61 │ install)
62 │ src)
63 │ ./dist/))
┆ <thunk JA7ECTDQF8B52: (.git)>/bass/bass.bass:55:6..62:12
54 │ (subpath
55 │ (with-deps-and-shims
56 │ ($ make
57 │ (str "VERSION=" version)
58 │ (str "GOOS=" os)
59 │ (str "GOARCH=" arch)
60 │ "DESTDIR=./dist/"
61 │ install)
62 │ src)
┆ <thunk JA7ECTDQF8B52: (.git)>/bass/bass.bass:70:4..75:38
69 │ (defn with-deps-and-shims [thunk src]
70 │ (let [only-shim (subgit src ./pkg/runtimes/ship/ ./Makefile ./go.mod ./go.sum)
71 │ built-shims (make-shims only-shim)]
72 │ (-> thunk
73 │ (with-mount src ./)
74 │ (with-mount built-shims/pkg/runtimes/bin/ ./pkg/runtimes/bin/)
75 │ (with-image (deps+go src)))))
┆ (17 internal calls elided)
┆ <thunk JA7ECTDQF8B52: (.git)>/bass/bass.bass:71:22..71:44
71 │ built-shims (make-shims only-shim)]
┆ <thunk JA7ECTDQF8B52: (.git)>/bass/bass.bass:80:4..82:35
79 │ (defn make-shims [src]
80 │ (-> ($ make -j shims)
81 │ (with-mount src ./)
82 │ (with-image (deps+go src))))
┆ (8 internal calls elided)
┆ <thunk JA7ECTDQF8B52: (.git)>/bass/bass.bass:82:20..82:33
82 │ (with-image (deps+go src))))
┆ <thunk JA7ECTDQF8B52: (.git)>/bass/bass.bass:48:4..50:26
47 │ (defn deps+go [src]
48 │ (from (deps src)
49 │ ($ cp src/go.mod src/go.sum ./)
50 │ ($ go mod download))))
┆ <thunk JA7ECTDQF8B52: (.git)>/bass/bass.bass:48:10..48:20
48 │ (from (deps src)
┆ <thunk JA7ECTDQF8B52: (.git)>/bass/bass.bass:35:4..44:22
34 │ (defn deps [src]
35 │ (let [only-nix (subgit src ./nix/ ./flake.nix ./flake.lock ./default.nix)]
36 │ {:file (nix:result
37 │ (-> ($ nix build ".#depsOci")
38 │ (with-mount only-nix/nix/ ./nix/)
39 │ (with-mount only-nix/flake.nix ./flake.nix)
40 │ (with-mount only-nix/flake.lock ./flake.lock)
41 │ (with-mount only-nix/default.nix ./default.nix))
42 │ ./image.tar)
43 │ :platform {:os "linux"}
44 │ :tag "latest"}))
┆ (10 internal calls elided)
┆ <thunk JA7ECTDQF8B52: (.git)>/bass/bass.bass:35:19..35:77
35 │ (let [only-nix (subgit src ./nix/ ./flake.nix ./flake.lock ./default.nix)]
┆ <thunk JA7ECTDQF8B52: (.git)>/bass/bass.bass:16:4..16:57
16 │ (git:checkout (remote src) (latest-commit src paths)))
┆ <thunk JA7ECTDQF8B52: (.git)>/bass/bass.bass:16:31..16:56
16 │ (git:checkout (remote src) (latest-commit src paths)))
┆ <thunk JA7ECTDQF8B52: (.git)>/bass/bass.bass:30:4..30:66
30 │ (git-out src ($ git log -n1 "--pretty=format:%H" -- & $paths))))
┆ <thunk JA7ECTDQF8B52: (.git)>/bass/bass.bass:19:4..24:13
18 │ (defn git-out [repo thunk]
19 │ (-> thunk
20 │ (with-image (linux/alpine/git))
21 │ (with-dir repo)
22 │ (read :raw)
23 │ next
24 │ trim))
load project.bass: rpc error: code = Unavailable desc = connection error: desc = "transport: Error while dialing dial unix /home/bass/.local/state/bass-loop/svc/vito/7bd1baeec844e58e/runtime.sock: connect: no such file or directory"
Tip: if this error is too cryptic, please open an issue:
load project.bass: rpc error: code = Unavailable desc = connection error: desc = "transport: Error while dialing dial unix /home/bass/.local/state/bass-loop/svc/vito/7bd1baeec844e58e/runtime.sock: connect: no such file or directory"
resolve image config for
git fetch origin 6c037a9d134c8b60d61fcd0023494358b94e265f
git clone ./
git submodule update --init --recursive
git checkout 6c037a9d134c8b60d61fcd0023494358b94e265f
git remote get-url origin
exporting to client